Will Mediation Make Divorce Easier on My Kids?
Divorce is not only hard on the spouses — it can be devastating for kids, too. If you're thinking about ending your marriage, you might consider mediation instead of litigation. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method that can reduce stress, minimize time spent in court, and allow you to be in control of the outcome of your divorce. In fact, research also shows that mediation can increase contact between a nonresidential parent and the children, without increasing conflict between parents.
Whether used to resolve issues in an uncontested divorce or during the collaborative divorce process with the involvement of a parenting coordinator and divorce financial professional, mediation can be highly effective and less emotionally draining for you and your children.
Avoid Contentious Custody Disputes
You and your spouse know what's best for your family situation. Rather than leave critical decisions that will affect your children's lives up to the court, a mediator can help you reach an agreement that works for everyone. With mediation, you can often avoid a lengthy custody battle and spare your children from being stuck in the middle.
An experienced mediator can serve as an intermediary to help you and your spouse communicate your perspectives on custody and support matters. They can ensure that both spouses find a middle ground and creative solutions that work for their family.
You Can Maintain an Amicable Relationship With Your Ex-Spouse
Since you and your spouse will have to co-parent for many years, it's in everyone's best interests to make the divorce process as amicable as possible. Experts believe that it is the conflict experienced between parents that can strongly predict whether children will face problems after the divorce. By resolving your issues through mediation, you can help to reduce any conflict, as well as feelings of anger and hostility that might otherwise be emphasized by litigation.
The skills you learn in mediation can help lay the groundwork for a cooperative co-parenting relationship. Children can also benefit both emotionally and psychologically by observing their parents reconcile and find solutions.
You Can Reduce Stress By Saving Time and Money
One of the biggest stresses in divorce litigation is the amount of time and money that it can involve. Since there are often weeks scheduled between court hearings, divorce litigation can take a considerable amount of time. Depending on how many issues need to be resolved in court, your divorce might take months or even years — this can take an emotional toll that affects your children, too.
As opposed to the lengthy litigation process, mediation can be successful in just a few sessions, depending on the number and complexity of issues involved.
Saving time and money that would have been spent on litigation can significantly reduce stress. It also means that you don't need to take time off work for court — and you get to spend more quality time with your kids.
Learn How Birt Law Can Help
Erin Birt is an experienced DuPage County divorce and family law mediator and Illinois divorce attorney who can help you resolve your divorce matters out of court and create an Illinois divorce and family law agreements that are equitable and fully enforceable. Contact us today to learn more about our mediation services, virtual divorce, collaborative divorce, flat fee divorce, and other tailored options.
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