Client Wellness

Client Wellness

Client Wellness During Divorce or Parenting Matters

During our time together, we will share tips and tools with our clients to help maintain their wellness and personal peace while on their family law journey. We believe in sharing science, studies, and storytelling to help our clients move forward and be the best version of themselves even during difficult times. Below, we attempt to break things down into microsteps to make it easy to create healthy daily habits and manage challenges. We also will encourage you to assess your legal wellness before, during, and after your divorce. 

As Arianna Huffington shared with us at a recent legal conference, "Taking care of the self is not self indulgent."  When our clients take care of themselves, they find they make good decisions, model good behavior for their children or others, and find faith that their best days are ahead.  We hope you find a topic or tool below that helps you on your legal and wellness journey. Check back from time to time as this page will be updated with tips, tools, articles, and videos devoted to Client Wellness. Should you have any questions or need any other tools or tips, please contact us.

Parents can download our complimentary Coparenting Declaration here.

60 Second Daily Pause:

Perhaps once a week try to do a daily pause until you are comfortable to schedule a daily pause.  Some examples of what to think about during the 60 second pause:

  1. Think about what is True - Know who you are. You are talented, valuable, empowered, free. You are a qualified parent, coworker, friend.  
  2. Think about what is Pure - Talk a walk and enjoy nature in your neighborhood.
  3. Think about what is Lovely - Think of your children or a sibling and while there are challenges, they have a purpose and you have been a part of their growth and purpose.
  4. Think about what is Admirable - Reflect on yourself and others that do their best each day.
  5. Think about what is Excellent - Be filled with gratitude and count all the things you are grateful for today.

Grounding/Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress: 

This is a great 3 minute video about "The Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve", which you can find, here.

Another easy 2 minute video is Dr. Weil's Relaxing Breathing Exercise, which you can find, here

Below are some helpful articles while facing a Divorce or Parenting Challenge:


We're not all born with a naturally positive mindset, it's something we have to work on. It's so important if we want to live our best life. Here are 5 choices we have that impact our mindset. 

Single Mother:

How do you take care of yourself as a single parent? Selfcare looks different for everyone here are some examples of go-to activities when you need to recharge

When you're a single mom, it can be difficult to find time to work out. Between work, sports practice, and math homework, it seems that you're being pulled in a million directions. But, it's important to prioritize your health.

Stories & Support:

What advice do you wish you had when you were going through a family challenge? Here are tips from 36 women who have been there on how to survive divorce.

The Workplace: 

Regardless of your specific divorce situation, you will likely still go to work during the family law process. Here are some tips for reducing the negative impact divorce in the workplace, whether it's you or someone else in the office.

Post Divorce

It can be easy to find yourself in a negative spiral after a life change. How can you improve your luck? Sometimes a simple mindset shift can make a huge difference.

Peacemaking Pledge: 

Our firm is committed to advocating for our clients and to achieving the best results for the best interest of the client and children. Success starts with the right mindset. Review our Peacemakers Pledge and download our free Peacemaker Declaration to help restore peace within you and your family. 

Our Divorce and Family Law Firm in DuPage Offers Many Wellness Focused Services: 

We offer a monthly low cost subscription to meet and consult with our attorney, Erin Birt, to help you proactively minimize the chance of future litigation while your child or children are young. We meet via Zoom for 1 hour either monthly, biweekly, weekly, or as needed to prepare you for: any custody, visitation, holiday, or vacation changes, to help you plan for increasing your time with your children, or to help you prepare for removing any restrictions on your visitation or parenting time. Please contact us to prioritize your planning and consulting meetings today. 


Our Attorneys

  • Erin Birt

    Since 2003, Erin N. Birt, J.D., CADC has focused her practice on pa...

  • Tyler Birt

    Since 2007, Tyler Birt has been a legal assistant and bookkeeper fo...

  • Karen Hansel

    As Administrative Assistant at Birt Law, Karen’s involvement in dai...

Guidance for Divorce & CoParenting

Revolutionizing divorce for parents who value clarity, respect, and a better future for their children. Here, you’ll be heard, your concerns will matter, and your path forward will be clear.

Birt Family Law is a child-centered law and mediation practice built around our signature Restorative Divorce® process. Led by an experienced attorney and mediator, we provide innovative and supportive solutions with one goal: keeping parents out of court and working together toward a positive resolution.

We offer tailored services in Mediation, Resolution-focused Divorce, and Co-Parenting Skills, backed by extensive legal expertise and years of family law experience.

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Birt Family Law is committed to keeping the separating family out of court and working together towards a positive resolution.
