Father's Day for divorced dads can be anything from bittersweet to devastatingly sad, depending on child custody and visitation decisions. According to a recent article on the website Divorce360, “Depression for men is more closely tied to the loss of children than it is to the loss of the marriage.” This post will focus on developing a better Father's Day for divorced dads that can last year round.
The National Fatherhood Initiative has discovered that a majority of men who don't currently live with their children believe that they spend too little time with their kids. As a result, many divorced men carry around a lot of guilt that the family breakup is damaging their children in some way.
If you're a divorced father who wants to spend more time with your children than the standing court order currently allows, schedule a family mediation session with a qualified DuPage County divorce attorney. The mediator will help you and the other parent come together to create a post-divorce parenting schedule that works as well for you as it does for the other parent. Furthermore, your children's emotions and perceived needs can also be discussed in the mediation, which may or may not occur in litigation.
The result could be more frequent and/or longer visits with your kids on Father's Day, summer vacations and major holidays.
The links below will take you to web pages full of useful tips and ideas to get through Father's Day (with or without the kids) and resources that support divorced dads in general.
According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, there is a Father Absence Crisis in America. Mediation can be the first step to taking your family out of that equation.
As a qualified divorce mediator, and Illinois Divorce Attorney, I can help you get the process started. Contact me for more information or to schedule a mediation session or a legal consultation to help you develop a better Father's Day for divorced dads that can last year round.
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