Creating New Thanksgiving Traditions After Divorce

Posted by Erin Birt | Nov 27, 2014 | 0 Comments

For divorced couples and their families, Thanksgiving can be anything but a day of celebration.

While it may always be a difficult day, creating new traditions can eventually help Thanksgiving to again become a special rather than a dreaded time of year.

Thanksgiving Traditions After Divorce: HOLIDAY IDEAS FOR DIVORCED SPOUSES

Divorced partners with no children can feel especially lost on this family holiday, but there are options to keep the blues at bay.

  • Consider visiting your parents or perhaps some distant relatives you haven't seen for a while. Better yet, invite them to your place for dinner and bring back the joy of creating a family celebration.

  • Check with co-workers, church members or gym friends to see if any of them will also be alone for the holiday and invite them for a formal dinner or a potluck gathering. You may find that this becomes your new extended family for many holidays throughout the year.

  • Reach out to help those less fortunate than you. Contact local charity groups to see what help they need such as serving a holiday meal at a homeless shelter or food pantry. When you focus on helping others, you forget your own problems for a while and generally feel better about yourself.

  • Embrace your alone time. Tackle that project you've been meaning to do or rent that movie you've wanted to watch. Make a list of the things you can be thankful for right now such as good health, a great job or supportive friends.

Whatever you choose, remember that it's ok if emotions bubble up. That's to be expected, even when you're with other people. Be kind to yourself and remember that you're doing the best you can to move on and create new, happier memories.

Thanksgiving Traditions After Divorce: TIPS FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN

Even divorced couples on good terms with each other can find themselves in conflict over where the children will go for the holidays. Consider using divorce mediation to create a formal agreement around holiday visitation to prevent this additional stress on yourself and your kids.

Once the situation is settled, start thinking about how to enjoy Thanksgiving in a new way.

  • For the parent who will be with the children, don't try to recreate everything you did before the divorce. Instead, make new memories such as eating on tray tables in the living room while watching a holiday movie or even going out for a non-traditional Thanksgiving meal. (Pizza, anyone?)

  • Pick up craft kits for you and the kids to do during the day or have a board game marathon with older kids.

  • If your children won't be with you on the actual day, have your own Thanksgiving with them on a different day. You can be thankful for your blessings on any day of the year!

  • Remember that your kids may feel guilty and sad about leaving you, so send them off with a smile. Tell them you'll miss them but they're going to have a great day and you'll see them soon. Then consider some of the options in the first section to keep you from feeling lonely.

With a little flexibility and imagination, you can create new Thanksgiving traditions that will become cherished memories for both you and your children.

Contact me to learn about using divorce mediation to create a workable holiday visitation schedule and to discuss creating New Thanksgiving Traditions After Divorce that are in line with your judgment.

Schedule a Consultation with Attorney Erin Birt

About the Author

Erin Birt

Since 2003, Erin N. Birt, J.D., CADC has focused her practice on parenting time, divorce, mediation, and substance abuse issues. Ms. Birt's unique background in both family law and addictions counseling help her clients successfully navigate the complex issues of coparenting and divorce. Ms. Birt also devotes her time to presenting at continuing education seminars for attorneys, mediators, and counselors.


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