Divorcing and divorced couples with children have a little extra planning to do for the holiday season; namely, when and where those children will connect with each parent for holiday visitations. If not thought out well in advance, issues with visitation schedules can increase everyone's stress levels and make for a not-so-wonderful time of the year. This post will focus on how Collaboration And Mediation Help With Holiday Visitation Issues.
Collaboration And Mediation Help With Holiday Visitation Issues: COLLABORATION AND MEDIATION CAN HELP
Experience has shown that courts are less than pleased with last-minute or emergency petitions regarding holiday visitation schedules, so the issue should be addressed as early as possible if each parent hopes to have their requested time with the children. When an unexpected or difficult situation arises, mediation and collaborative meetings can often help find a timely solution that works for everyone involved.
Collaboration And Mediation Help With Holiday Visitation Issues: A REAL-LIFE EXAMPLE
One of my recent mediation cases shows what can be done when people are willing to come together and talk.
The couple in this case had a change in their customary Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations because extended family had moved out of state. The Mother asked the Father for a change in the already-established Joint Parenting Agreement so the children could visit with the extended family either on Thanksgiving Day or for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Although the Father was not happy about the request, he and his ex-wife agreed to attend mediation to save money on litigation and hopefully solve the issue quickly. During mediation, each parent got to hear the other's concerns about their children's future holiday traditions–something that might not have been permitted in a court room.
In the end, both Father and Mother agreed to modify their existing holiday parenting plan which allowed enough time for all family members to adjust to and make arrangements for the upcoming changes in November and December.
Even when a case is not this extreme, collaboration and mediation are very successful in resolving the legal issues around holiday parenting time and can reduce or eliminate the cost and stress of turning to litigation during the holidays.
Contact me for more information about using collaborative meetings and mediation to revolve your holiday visitation issues because our clients know that Collaboration And Mediation Help With Holiday Visitation Issues.
Schedule a Consultation with Attorney Erin Birt
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