When couples find it difficult to agree on the legal aspects of their separation or divorce because of ongoing conflict or emotional issues, divorce mediation is a proven way for both parties to come to terms on the issues that matter most to each of them. This post will focus on how Divorce Mediation Builds Cohesive, Durable Solutions.
How It Works
No two mediation processes are exactly the same, but the goal is to create consensus and develop the skills that help divorced couples make good decisions now and in the future.
A family law mediator or divorce mediator is a neutral third party who is trained to help couples communicate clearly and calmly with each other. The mediator's role includes:
- Creating a setting that is confidential and non-adversarial for everyone involved
- Ensuring each party has time to speak without interruptions
- Getting clarification from either party when necessary
- Asking questions as needed to make sure everyone is on the same page
- Offering information on how lawyers or judges would view the issues and presenting alternatives that could work more effectively in court to save time and reduce court costs
It's important to note that the mediator cannot provide legal advice or legal strategy to the parties involved in mediation. A different attorney will perform that service.
Benefits Of Divorce Mediation
In mediation, the process is controlled by the couple and the mediator, not the courts. This provides the space and time for a couple to develop strong and lasting agreements, and most parties are inclined to abide by a solution they have helped create.
Even if total agreement isn't reached, divorce mediation narrows down the issues so couples know specifically what to focus on in court or what could potentially be set aside and brought back to mediation in the future.
The mediation process is particularly helpful for couples with children who need to find workable parenting solutions and make ongoing collaborative decisions that are in the best interests of their children.
Depending on how easily everyone can reach consensus, mediation can move very quickly. For example, I recently finished an Illinois divorce mediation where the parties were able to complete their entire settlement process in as little as four sessions.
If you're struggling with your current separation or divorce process, mediation could be the answer. Contact me for more information on our effective divorce mediation services. Our Divorce Mediation Builds Cohesive, Durable Solutions
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