Divorce Adultery
The day the investigator confirmed a man was staying with his wife in their home during their separation, our client knew his life would never be the same.
He started to hear troublesome stories from his children about this man and his negative actions toward them. They were scared and often did not want to spend time with their mother because of this man. The children started acting out in school and the school was making regular phone calls home.
Our client knew that he needed to ensure the safety of his children. Our firm wanted to protect his children and give them a voice. Together we prepared and organized the case to present to the mother and her attorney. It was important for our client and his children to keep troubling details out of the public divorce court.
We engaged in several months of discussions to create a plan that held the children's needs first place. Unfortunately, the mother did not wish to resolve her children's concerns privately and she rushed off to court to file a custody pleading. We guided our client through the laborious litigation process, invited mother to additional meetings to discuss matters privately, and after convincing her attorney that neither a Guardian ad litem nor a custody evaluator would support her position, she accepted our settlement offer that granted primary custody, school residency, and decision making responsibilities to our client.
It was not the end of the custody battle for our client, however, his children's involvement in the court system was minimized and he was thankful that they were saved from additional negative memories of their parent's marriage and divorce.
Practice area(s): Child Custody
Court: Cook County